
Showing posts from June, 2024

Steps to Apply for IPO

   Hello there!  Introducing the launch of our eIPO in M+ Global Mobile App! You can now subscribe to IPOs via our M+ Global in just a few easy taps: After login M+ Global - Trade - Bursa (upper left) - IPO below the "Asset" Steps to open M+ Global account:      OR~ You can apply for IPO shares via internet bankings, like Maybank, Public Bank and etc (if you cant find the IPO in M+ Global).  Example for Maybank: go to Apply - Investment tab after login your account, then you will see eIPO after scrolling down abit (different banks will use similar terms like IPO, eIPO and etc). When applying the IPO, the system will ask you to key in your CDS account number.  For M+ Online clients, the CDS account number consists of 15 digits, beginning with 012-001- followed by a 9-digit number. The 9-digit number can be found: 1) in your Contract Note or Monthly Statement , ...

Want to open an M+ Global (MY/US/HK) account? Follow these steps~

Hello! You can follow the steps below to open your M+ Online (Bursa)/ M+ Global (Foreign) account: IMPORTANT - Please follow all the steps below, as once the account is successfully opened no changes can be made Download M+ Global App: 1) Switch to Phone tab and key in your Mobile phone number to register (SMS verification will be sent to your mobile phone). 2) Agreement and Disclosure page (as per attached below) : Key in Invitation Code - P3KI if you are applying any new account for Bursa/US/HK via M+, then kindly screenshot and send me                  3) - tick HK / US if want to trade any of these foreign markets - disable the Margin Account if you want to trade within your cash only 4) Fill in your particulars, and the related information in the fields - About FEA and domestic loan: Domestic loan refers to loans like housing loan or car loan - About TIN (tax identification number): you can inse...